Total Guns Found: 99
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  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P220 Elite Dark Caliber: .45ACP

    The new Sig Sauer P220 Elite Dark is a .45ACP with 8 round clips defaulted with combat night sights, but with an MSRP of $1,218.00 this pistol is not entry level. The total weight ...(more)

  • Type: Rifles Make: Ruger Model: 77 22 Rotary Magazine Caliber: .22 LR .22 Mag 22 hornet

    The Ruger Model 77/22 with Rotary Magazine is a cool little .22 that uses a rotary mag instead of a tube. It holds 10 rounds as a .22 lr, 9 rounds as a .22 magnum, and just 6 round...(more)

  • Type: Rifles Make: Ruger Model: SR-22 Caliber: .22 LR

    The Ruger SR 22 Autoloading Rifle is a slightly strange futuristic mad max looking rifle with fluted barrel, collapsible stock, and forward stud for sling mounting. This gun is a...(more)

  • Type: Rifles Make: Ruger Model: 10 22 Target Caliber: .22 LR

    The Ruger 10 22 Target is a match grade target rifle in 22 lr made by Ruger, and is a top of the line .22. The gun is a hefty 7.5lbs and this added weight will ensure that little o...(more)

  • Type: Rifles Make: Ruger Model: 10/22 Sporter Caliber: .22 LR

    The Ruger 10 22 Sporter is light weight slightly more compact version of the popular Ruger 10/22. The barrel is only 18" vs the 20" and it comes only in American Walnut and an all...(more)

  • Type: Rifles Make: Ruger Model: 10 22 Tactical Caliber: .22 LR

    The Ruger 10 22 Tactical is a Tactical styled .22 LR Ruger in black synthetic, and black Hogue® OverMolded®. The target version of this gun comes with a bipod factory, and th...(more)

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